Privacy Policy

General information
The AmPuls Marktforschung AG (hereinafter referred to as "we" or "us") attaches great importance to data protection. As a visitor to our website, you decide which personal data you wish to disclose to us. However, we would like to point out that by visiting our website and sending newsletters, we obtain information that enables us to find out how visitors use our website and newsletters and which information and offers are of particular interest. 

This privacy policy is primarily based on the requirements of the Swiss Data Protection Act ("DPA"), but also on the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). The specific legal basis that applies to data processing depends on the individual case.

The controller for data processing is: 

AmPuls Marktforschung AG
Am Mattenhof 16a
Luzern Süd
6010 Kriens
041 612 14 14

Data processing on our website 

General information
Your personal data will be processed if this is covered by your consent or if data processing is permitted by law. The legal basis for data processing is the execution or initiation of a contract, consent, a legal obligation or our overriding legitimate interests. 

We process data that we collect when operating our website and our online presences. 

General data processing
Data is processed for various purposes. As a rule, data is only processed when you contact us of your own accord, e.g. when you visit our website, when you communicate with us by email, when you purchase our goods and services and when you order newsletters or other information from us. We use this data primarily for the provision and further development of our services and website, for communication (e.g. responding to enquiries), for customer acquisition and customer retention, for advertising and marketing (provided consent has been given or you as an existing customer do not object). We may also use the data, for example, to safeguard our legal claims and their assertion and to ensure the maintenance of our business operations and the security of our IT infrastructure. 

We process personal data that we receive from you or third parties involved or that we collect ourselves. For example, you or the data subjects yourself provide us with personal data when you contact us by e-mail or web form or enquire about our goods and services. If you register in person or make reservations via our website or request information material or other services, we require personal information from you. This includes, for example, name and contact details as well as information about the role of the person concerned in the company or organisation for which you or the respective contact persons work or on whose behalf you or they contact us. We also collect some personal data ourselves, e.g. from public registers or websites. 

If you provide us with personal data via a third party (e.g. via your employees or other contact persons), it is up to you to inform them in a general manner about the processing by us or other external service providers. 

We process the personal data within our area of responsibility in Switzerland. However, we may transfer the personal data to recipients (namely our processors, but also other third parties, authorities, etc.) who in turn process the personal data in other countries, including those that do not guarantee a level of data protection comparable to Swiss law. We will do the latter on the basis of consent or standard contractual clauses, or if it is necessary for the fulfilment of a contract or the enforcement of legal claims.

Cookies and tracking
We use so-called "cookies" on our website to identify the device you use to access our website. Cookies are small data elements that a website can send to your browser in order to provide you with better support for database-supported systems. However, you have the option of setting your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, automatically reject it or only store it for as long as you are on the website or have the browser open. You can therefore decide for yourself whether you want to accept them or not. If you block cookies, certain functions (e.g. language selection, shopping basket, ordering processes) may no longer work.

For site optimisation and statistical purposes, we collect so-called tracking data, which provides information about the surfing behaviour of users. Such tracking data, as we collect with Google Analytics, for example, does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about individual users. No persons can be identified on the basis of this data.

Our websites use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. or Google Ireland Limited Google Analytics uses cookies that enable us to analyse your (non-personal) use of our websites. Google Analytics is configured in such a way that your IP address is truncated by Google within Europe before being forwarded to the USA and all functions that would allow identification via any existing Google account are deactivated. 

Based on our configuration of Google Analytics, we assume that the information we share with Google is not personal data for Google. Nevertheless, we cannot rule out the possibility that Google may use this data for its own purposes to draw conclusions about the identity of visitors, create personal profiles and link this data to the Google accounts of these individuals. If you have a Google account, you are identifiable to Google. Google will then be responsible for processing your personal data in accordance with Google's privacy policy.

You can prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website and from processing this data by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link You can find more information on this at or at general information on Google Analytics and data protection. The data is stored for 26 months and then automatically and irrevocably deleted.

Google Maps
Our website incorporates map material from the Google Maps service provided by Google Ireland Limited. When Google Maps is used, Google processes and utilises data about the use of the map material by users. In particular, this may include IP addresses and - depending on the user's browser settings - location data. The setting of Google Maps cookies can also be rejected or authorised at any time in the cookie settings. Google may also process this data for its own purposes (e.g. marketing and market research purposes and to manage its platforms) and therefore acts as the controller. Please therefore consult Google's privacy policy at

We operate sites on social networks and other platforms operated by third parties to which we link on our website. We receive data from you via these platforms (e.g. when you communicate with us or comment on our content) and from the platforms (e.g. statistics). The providers of the platforms can analyse your use and process this data together with other data that they have about you. They also process this data for their own purposes (e.g. marketing and market research purposes and to manage their platforms), and act as their own data controllers for this purpose. Therefore, please consult the privacy policies of the respective platforms:


Contact form
If you send us enquiries via the contact form, your details from the enquiry form, including the contact data you provide there, including your IP address, will be stored by us for the purpose of processing the enquiry and in the event of follow-up questions.

Duration of storage
We only store personal data for as long as is necessary for the processing of services and contracts, if there is a legal obligation to retain and document data, if we have an overriding private or public interest in doing so or if storage is purely technical (e.g. in the case of backups or archiving systems). If there are no legal or contractual obligations or technical reasons to the contrary, we will always delete or anonymise your data once the storage or processing period has expired.

Your rights 
In particular, you have the right to information about the personal data stored about you and the purpose of data processing, the right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing of your personal data, the right to object to processing, the right to seek a judicial remedy from a competent supervisory authority and the right to data portability/transferability. For all enquiries relating to your rights or other questions, you can contact us by email at or write to us at our postal address. 

In addition, if applicable to you, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority at your place of residence, workplace or the place of the alleged data breach. The competent data protection authority in Switzerland is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner ( 

In case of doubt, we reserve the right to request proof of your identity. 

Please note, however, that conditions and exceptions apply to these rights. Where legally permissible or necessary, we may refuse requests to exercise these rights. For example, we may or must retain or otherwise continue to process the personal data despite a request to erase the personal data or restrict processing for legal reasons within the scope of our statutory or contractual retention obligations. 

You can revoke your consent to the processing of personal data at any time. Please note that the cancellation is only effective for the future. Processing that took place before the revocation is not affected.

We reserve the right to unilaterally change the content of this privacy policy at any time and without prior notice. It is therefore recommended that you consult our privacy policy regularly on our website.

The translation was carried out by a simple translation tool and has not been validated by a control body. In the event of a dispute, the German version will therefore prevail.


We protect your data

This is our everyday life.

Oral and written interviews
After the data collection and control have been completed, the questionnaire and addresses are separated from each other. This means that it is no longer possible to see from the questionnaire who gave which answers, and no conclusions can be drawn about the person being interviewed.

Telephone interviews and internet surveys
In computer-assisted telephone interviews and internet surveys, there are no paper documents at all, because the answers from the surveys are entered directly into the computer. Only a very few specialists with password protection have access to the information.

AmPuls Market Research – a SWISS INSIGHTS® institute
Institutes and companies with the quality label » are obliged to comply with the professional ethical standards and guidelines of the association as well as the internationally recognized rules of market and social research.

Interview ID
The interviewers at the institutes will provide you with information about the purpose of the survey and the use of the information at any time.

The answers of all people participating in the survey are compiled and processed into statistics based on personal characteristics, among other things. For this reason, we need information about you.

The information obtained in the survey may only be given to the client in an anonymous form (tables, graphics, lists, reports).

As a member of , AmPuls Market Research guarantees you the full protection of your personal data.

We undertake to

  • treat your answers confidentially and process them independently of you.
  • never publish your name and address together with your answers or pass them on to third parties.
  • that no one finds out or can find out how you answered the questions. • to use your address exclusively for the purposes of market and social research.
  • not to conduct any interviews with overt or hidden advertising, sales or ordering intentions.


Declaration of consent

“MyPuls” online panel.

Your consent
Personal data belongs to you. You have the right to know who collects such data from you and how it is processed and used. AmPuls Marktforschung AG, Am Mattenhof 16a, Luzern Süd, 6010 Kriens (“AmPuls”, “we”, “us”, “our”) is responsible for processing the personal data of participants (“you”, “your”, “MyPuls panelist”, “panelist”) in the AmPuls survey panel “MyPuls” (“panel”).

Your personal data will be processed in accordance with our terms and the provisions of this declaration.

The processing of personal data
As a market research company, we examine the attitudes and consumption and purchasing behavior of people towards products, brands and their suppliers. We pass on all collected information to our clients in a form that does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about you personally. All personal data that you provide to us when you register to participate in the panel will be separated from all other data that we collect about you.

We protect your personal data with the necessary technical and organizational means.

Why do we need your consent?
Your participation in the "MyPuls" panel is voluntary. If you decide to participate, your consent is required for us to process your personal data. We would like to inform you about the following:

  • What personal data do we collect?
  • For what purposes is it processed?
  • Who do we pass it on to?
  • How long is it stored?
  • What rights do you have?

You can revoke your consent for personal data at any time. You can inform our data protection officer. In this case, this declaration loses its validity with immediate effect. Your participation in the "MyPuls" panel ends and you have no further claims to remuneration, participation incentives, expense allowances or bonuses offered by AmPuls.

1. Collection and use of personal data

1.1 What is personal data?
The term "personal data" includes all information by which a person can be identified directly or indirectly. "Direct" means, for example, name and address; "indirect" means the combination with other information.

1.2 Types of personal data that we collect and use
Your willingness to participate in the "MyPuls" panel is expressed by telephone or by registering via an AmPuls internet link or the "MyPuls" app. If you have agreed to participate in the panel, personal data (your "profile data") will be collected.

The profile data is as follows:

  • First and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Postal address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • IBAN number (if cash payment desired)
  • M-Cumulus number (if points credit desired)
  • Coop Supercard number (if points credit desired)

When you register with the "MyPuls" panel, we will also assign you a unique identification number.

If you would like us to pay out your points balance, we will also ask you for your bank account details, which we will then use exclusively for the purpose of these payments and keep safe. You can also credit the points to M-Cumulus or Coop Supercard. In this case, you can provide the corresponding membership number. This will be used exclusively for the purpose of points credit.

We use your profile data for:

  • general management of the panel,
  • to select samples,
  • when surveys are directed at specific target groups,
  • for communication purposes (invitations to online surveys by email, "MyPuls" app or text message),
  • for quality assurance,
  • for preventive measures to prevent misuse of our systems.

We also use some of your profile data in anonymized form as statistical information. For example, your gender and age for assignment to a specific age group and your postcode for assignment to an area/region. This allows us to identify various statistical segments. It is impossible to draw conclusions about individual people.

1.2.1 Survey data
Survey data refers to the answers you gave to the online questionnaires. Although we store profile data and survey data strictly separately, we can theoretically still link these data together, which means that survey data also becomes personal data, at least for as long as we store your profile data.

We use survey data so that we can pass on survey results in an anonymized form to our customers and clients for whom we carry out market research projects. "Anonymized" means that the client or other recipients are not able to recognize your identity from this data. In most cases, we pass on survey results to our clients in a collective form, e.g. as a summary of the proportion of all male and female participants in a survey, the age groups that gave certain answers, etc.

1.2.2 App data
As an aid, you as a panelist can optionally use the "AmPuls MyPuls App" (the "App") on your mobile Android and Apple iOS devices.

The following data is collected by the app and sent to AmPuls:

  • The mobile advertising ID (Apple IDFA or Android advertising ID)
  • When and how often you use the app
  • Your panelist ID
  • Information that is always available via the mobile device when it connects to the Internet, namely its IP address, information on the operating system used, device manufacturer and model

You can stop using the app at any time and revoke your consent to our processing of the personal data collected exclusively by the app and still participate in the "MyPuls" panel. The app is not a requirement, but only a tool to make the panel more efficient for you and us.

1.2.3 Cookie data
In online surveys, we collect data, including personal data via cookies and similar technologies. This is also listed in our privacy policy on cookies. We may combine this data with the master and survey data. However, only if this is necessary for the purposes of market research. Please note our.

1.3 Sensitive data
Sensitive data is personal data that is particularly worthy of protection. This includes data about ethnic origin, political opinions, religious, ideological, political or union views, beliefs or activities, union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the unique identification of a natural person, data on social assistance measures, and health data of a person.

We only collect and use sensitive data to select participants when surveys are aimed at specific target groups. Otherwise, this sensitive information is not used.

2. Collection of personal data from other sources

If we would like to collect personal data about you from other sources - i.e. from third parties - we would inform you in advance and disclose the respective source. We would also inform you for what purpose we would like to use this personal data. For collection from other sources, we use a comparison with the data that does not reveal the identities of people to the third party.

3. Transfer of personal data to third parties

AmPuls may transfer your personal data to third parties for limited purposes, as set out in the Sharing of personal data and Transfer of personal data abroad sections of our privacy policy. We do not disclose personal data of panel participants to our clients.

4. Data retention: Duration of storage

We generally delete all of your personal data after 6 months from the end of your panel membership. For certain special cases, we retain data in accordance with the Storage of your personal data section of our privacy policy if a longer retention period applies.

5. Contact person for questions and information about your rights

If you have any questions about this consent declaration and the protection of your personal data, you can contact the data protection officer. You can also contact him if you wish to exercise your rights to withdraw consent, rectification of data, restriction of processing, access, portability and deletion, as set out in the Your rights section of our privacy policy.

However, if you have any questions about the “MyPuls” panel, your participation or compensation/bonuses for panel participants, please contact the AmPuls “MyPuls” team instead.